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Steel and aluminium production

World products built of aluminium and steel are made with production of ten major companies. Raw materials come from iron mines and alumin mineral. As seen during Dublin raw materials conference, studies are on going for sustainable production of that global market. Since the major metal furnaces are distributed in Asia, Americas, India and Europe the impact of US decision will probably be limited to America and neigboor countries. For the time being european consumers have seen the increase of import taxes when they shop US products online. Other international trade tarrifs will increase final clients costs while creating local jobs again. This extra cost that will increase US products cost and lower again US competitiveness front of asian industry. China is producing 7 to 8 times more steel and aluminium than USA, which represent a completely unbeatable competitor.



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Noël de l'internet

Le bon site pour l'achat et la revente des cadeaux de Noël est clairement www.leboncoin.fr


« Des pics d’audiences et de mises en ligne dès novembre indiquent clairement qu’utiliser Leboncoin est surtout un moyen pour les Français de faire leurs cadeaux de manière plus raisonnée ».


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Le bruit et les polluants

Pour beaucoup la solution de recyclage des vieux pneux en matériaux de construction routière semblait un miracle économique, écologique et sonique. Malheureusement après l'enthousiasme général et les essais concluants concernant le bruit, les études montrent que les polluants contenus dans les matériaux recyclés du pneu sont transmis aux eaux de ruissellement. Les bassins de décantation ne sont pas suffisants et au final ce sont les petits animaux aquatiques qui récoltent le zinc et autres métaux lourds circulants dans le flux aqueux routier.


Pour rappel, en dehors des bruits routiers concernant les revêtements il y a aussi des tests et homologations pour les véhicules. Selon les années de production et cylindrées les niveaux sont différents et répondent à des critères de décibels en statique, ou en approche. Voir ce document très clair de 


http://www.driee.ile-de-france.developpement-durable.gouv... PDF Bruit 13 avril 1972

Mais, comme on le voit dans le titre du document: à compter du 17 juin 1999, "ne s'applique plus aux véhicules à moteur à deux et trois roues et aux quadricycles à moteur et à leurs systèmes et équipements".

C'est depuis lors la Directive européenne 97/24/CE qui prévaut.


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En revanche ce site montre la réglementation actuelle:



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Fichier pdf Enrobés. 




Pas de discussion, des études belges, allemandes et françaises le montrent.



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Les routes de demain en vidéo - FUTUREMAG - ARTE:


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United Nations and US pressure

Despite of the will of UN creators and Charter, sometimes members are acting a different way. The general assembly have the power to organize commissions and provide solutions for peacefull resolutions of conflicts. It is up to the General Assembly to analyze situations and setup the best project in case of difficulties. 


United Nations charter chapter IV




In the case of USA puting pressure on all members of the Assembly by telling the vote will be remembered is rare act. Even if finance from USA has a great influence on programs and decisions it does not seem fair to use this argument. The vote shows the pressure have failed. Donald TRUMP have declared Jerusalem as capital for Israeli state. (Read in french article here) Later after US President statement a majority of countries representatives at United Nations had to vote. None of these countries have declared to become "ennemies of America" but decided what they think to be fair, and express their freedom of choice.




When Colin Powel have used false argument of massive destruction weapon in Irak the case was an opportunity of invading the territory and solving the situation of the People from dictature. While now the speech is more about increasing US government direct power over other governments. Rare, but USA had previously put pressure on UNESCO because US / Cuban embargo was not their cup of tea. Then, USA was not participating to UNESCO during decades. The Organisation had to work with 193 members wich participate and provide finance. March 22th 2016 Barak Obama have chosen to open again dialogue with cuban island. Nikki Haley is speaking out for USA empowerement inside United Nations system.




It is not a pity that US government decide to change Embassy location, it is a choice. All UN members, as well as people can decide a project that does not please the whole world. It is happening every day. 

I have no idea what travelers will decide if they wanted to travel to US or buy american furnitures. One third of the planet is also choosing to buy through Ebay, Amazon or Alibaba ... or local.

Prices could go down fast by political effect and dollar value fall down again at 1 euro / 1.38 usd. 24th January it is 1.24 : 1 euro. Most of the forex websites inclued technical analysis.


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January 27th: According to the difference of FX rate since 2017 6th December's the american PIB (GDP 2016) value of 18 357 320 000 dollars is now

17 469 062 580 USD.  It's a 888 257 419 USD loss.


But 2016 December's rate was 1.07 (not 1.18 as it was 2017 December 6th): then re-estimated PIB (GDP) is virtualy 15 840 590 645 USD wich makes the loss amount: 

2 516 729 354 USD compared to 2016's PIB (GDP). 


UNRWA funding 65 M USD cut from USA is only 61 854 800 USD.

(at current exchange rate value)


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