USA "Whistling windshield"
Free US road movie that holds you on screen for a while.
This short film is a tribute to the culture of the American car. This society is based on the free movement of people and activities accessible by vehicle. Due to the distance between homes and shopping centers, personal services or maintenance of the same cars it is necessary to drive. In fact, during this COVID 19 epidemic, the virus test centers were designed for driving, away from city centers, which disadvantaged people who were not transported.
Classic Rock Station music 105 mHz on 178's road.
A mother on Race
Among News anchors some have real life amazing experiences.
Amanda DAVIS daily reporting Sport events on CNN.
The only sports presenter who gives relevant information and motivates me to watch it.
Photo: exclusive from A.Davis Facebook. (and Instagram, Twitter :-) )
Philip Geddes Journalist Prize: You can apply!
"The awards are named after Philip Geddes, a member of St Edmund Hall and a journalist of considerable promise. After graduating he joined the staff of the London Evening Standard, then moved to the staff of the Daily Express. In December 1983 he was in Harrods (LONDON), the Knightsbridge store, when orders were issued for the building to be evacuated. Realising there was a story to be had, he went to investigate. He was killed by the blast from a bomb planted by the IRA. Philip Geddes was just 24.
A tree and plaque in the gardens of St Edmund Hall commemorate his life, and since 1984 the Philip Geddes Memorial Prize has encouraged promising student journalists on the path to Fleet Street, radio and television. Former prizewinners are employed by the BBC, ITN, Reuters, the Economist, and a wide range of Fleet Street newspapers.
Each year a first prize of £2,500 is given to the most promising student journalist at Oxford University." Geddestrust Oxford University.
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HSBC said to me: "We are ok" 2016
"Les candidats au rachat de HSBC France proposent un prix symbolique"
Les Echos:
"La banque de détail d'HSBC France pourrait être vendue à prix cassé"
"un éxito temporal" -> un succès temporaire.
A la présentation de cette revue de Presse à l'Université UPEC, les personnes y assistant étaient dubitatives.
"Vous croyez peut-être que HSBC va fermer? Mais qui croyez-vous être pour dire ça!"
Publication internationale 2016 RDM-ROW.
(A working snail)
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Ferrari en post combustion
L'espiègle fanfaron n'en a pas encore eu assez. Fort de ses innombrables succès spectaculaires en One man show il répercute ses tourments et s'exécute, le dément. On savait l'ardennais proche des démons de l'alcool même s'il l'avait bien caché sur la place pavée de Charleville. Enfin le saltimbanque parisien reprend le chemin des planches en titubant bon an, mal an.
Suite au petit soucis Coronavirus les premiers spectacles vont être reportés.
(Au moins il aura le temps d'écrire des textes valables :-) )
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