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They change History

There were several difficult situations in the world that lasted more than 60 years. Some are already solved, amongst that South / North Korea, Cuba / USA, South Africa.


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Tombé au ciel

Le chanteur céleste qui n'a cessé de nous étonner depuis le début du vingtième siècle à donc rendu sa dernière inspiration. Eh ben nous voilà bien avec un poète de moins.


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Intelligence and weapons

UNIDIR: "April is a busy month on the disarmament calendar! Next week the CCW GGE on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems will convene for its first session in 2018; the following weeks will see the NPT PrepCom.

Both meetings will take place in Geneva. Director is Ms Renata DWAN.


Picture Twitter.


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Phase III of the project will promote a practical understanding among policy-makers of the potential challenges raised by increasingly autonomous technological capabilities—and in particular learning systems—in the near to medium term. This format is designed to be accessible for government experts with diverse thematic and cultural backgrounds."





E.M. struggle for Gold


Only Days On Ice: 


RT doc showed an interesting document about russian skater's training. Not only sport performance but choices, difficulties and perseverance in daily work. From the first hours of skating, following her mother's story she could learn by listening to trainers and own goal of being recognised as World Champion in ice skating. The smiling sport girl has also began to see young generation taking her own skating figures as reference and see them progressing. The dog herself like to run after ducks but can not take them away for lunch.





   Evgenia        Medvedeva 





"Ice skating is always  progression"






































RT doc показал интересный документ о тренировках русского фигуриста. Не только спортивные выступления, но и выбор, трудности и упорство в повседневной работе. С первых часов катания, следуя рассказу матери, она могла учиться, слушая тренеров и свою цель быть признанной Чемпионом мира на коньках. Улыбающаяся спортивная девушка также начала видеть, как молодое поколение берет свои фигуры на коньках в качестве справочника и видит, как они прогрессируют. Собака сама любит бегать за утками, но не может забрать их на обед.


RT doc pokazal interesnyy dokument o trenirovkakh russkogo figurista. Ne tol'ko sportivnyye vystupleniya, no i vybor, trudnosti i uporstvo v povsednevnoy rabote. S pervykh chasov kataniya, sleduya rasskazu materi, ona mogla uchit'sya, slushaya trenerov i svoyu tsel' byt' priznannoy Chempionom mira na kon'kakh. Ulybayushchayasya sportivnaya devushka takzhe nachala videt', kak molodoye pokoleniye beret svoi figury na kon'kakh v kachestve spravochnika i vidit, kak oni progressiruyut. Sobaka sama lyubit begat' za utkami, no ne mozhet zabrat' ikh na obed.


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