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United Nations and US pressure

Despite of the will of UN creators and Charter, sometimes members are acting a different way. The general assembly have the power to organize commissions and provide solutions for peacefull resolutions of conflicts. It is up to the General Assembly to analyze situations and setup the best project in case of difficulties. 


United Nations charter chapter IV




In the case of USA puting pressure on all members of the Assembly by telling the vote will be remembered is rare act. Even if finance from USA has a great influence on programs and decisions it does not seem fair to use this argument. The vote shows the pressure have failed. Donald TRUMP have declared Jerusalem as capital for Israeli state. (Read in french article here) Later after US President statement a majority of countries representatives at United Nations had to vote. None of these countries have declared to become "ennemies of America" but decided what they think to be fair, and express their freedom of choice.




When Colin Powel have used false argument of massive destruction weapon in Irak the case was an opportunity of invading the territory and solving the situation of the People from dictature. While now the speech is more about increasing US government direct power over other governments. Rare, but USA had previously put pressure on UNESCO because US / Cuban embargo was not their cup of tea. Then, USA was not participating to UNESCO during decades. The Organisation had to work with 193 members wich participate and provide finance. March 22th 2016 Barak Obama have chosen to open again dialogue with cuban island. Nikki Haley is speaking out for USA empowerement inside United Nations system.




It is not a pity that US government decide to change Embassy location, it is a choice. All UN members, as well as people can decide a project that does not please the whole world. It is happening every day. 

I have no idea what travelers will decide if they wanted to travel to US or buy american furnitures. One third of the planet is also choosing to buy through Ebay, Amazon or Alibaba ... or local.

Prices could go down fast by political effect and dollar value fall down again at 1 euro / 1.38 usd. 24th January it is 1.24 : 1 euro. Most of the forex websites inclued technical analysis.


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January 27th: According to the difference of FX rate since 2017 6th December's the american PIB (GDP 2016) value of 18 357 320 000 dollars is now

17 469 062 580 USD.  It's a 888 257 419 USD loss.


But 2016 December's rate was 1.07 (not 1.18 as it was 2017 December 6th): then re-estimated PIB (GDP) is virtualy 15 840 590 645 USD wich makes the loss amount: 

2 516 729 354 USD compared to 2016's PIB (GDP). 


UNRWA funding 65 M USD cut from USA is only 61 854 800 USD.

(at current exchange rate value)


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Nuit de 1944

"le convoi s’immobilise à Weimar. Les hommes sont ensuite dirigés vers le camp de concentration de Buchenwald, où ils reçoivent des immatriculations des numéros de 76800 à 78500, les femmes vers celui de Ravensbrück, où elles sont immatriculées dans la série des 57000."


Entre les ordres donnés par le pouvoir et Vichy et les menaces de représailles par les Nazi en 1939-1945 on peut difficilement dire que la France "est responsable des déportations". C'est une accusation que je trouve injuste du fait des témoignages et de la réalité vécue par les familles. Par exemple, la politique des otages mise en place par Hitler à la suite de l'exécution d'un militaire allemand explique comment le gouvernement collaborateur a été obligé de prendre des dispositions. Des communistes, des résistants, femmes et hommes ont été arrêté pour venger les attentats contre les forces allemandes, donc ce n'est pas "une décision de la France" de déporter des français, des juifs, des communistes, des militaires alliés mais une opération menée sous la contrainte et la menace.

Les familles de 25.000 français déportés vivent toujours en France, elles ont des descendants qui ignorent encore pour certains que leurs arrière grand-père, grand-mère, grand-oncle ont été déportés et transportés comme des animaux vers Buchenwald Dora Ravensbrück ou autres camps. Il y a non seulement des familles de "Justes" françaises mais aussi des familles françaises "Justes" et victimes des déportations. 


Selon un interview d'Alain Chouraqui par le JT France24, dans d'autres régions françaises la Police et les Gendarmes ont également regroupé et déporté des juifs sans qu'il y ai des ordres directs de l'occupant allemand.















A lire sur déportation dernier convoi parti de région parisienne


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Pour des recherches sur les traces des déportés, des documents privés et publics:


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Global Geothermal Alliance



Director General of IRENA, Mr. Adnan. Z. Amin, said: “This meeting has, without question, allowed both the policy and industry communities to identify common ground in the pursuit of what is a renewable energy source with tremendous potential.

“If we can identify and implement mechanisms that deliver a greater level of certainty to investors and developers, then we will move beyond meaningful dialogue to decisive action that accelerates geothermal production,” continued Mr. Amin, “contributing significantly to decarbonisation of the global economy, whilst creating jobs and supporting growth around the world.”

"Access to low carbon forms of energy that support economic development while mitigating climate change, is a core priority for the African Union,” said H.E Dr. Amani Abou-Zeid, African Union Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy. “Geothermal energy is emerging as a hidden gem of Africa’s renewable energy resources and we must work together, across nations, to ensure this resource achieves its potential.

“Through partnerships and the Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility, the African Union is currently supporting twenty-six projects in East African countries that will generate more than 1500 MW of power,” continued H.E. Abou-Zeid. “We aim to build on this, supporting sustainable exploration, through the work of this Alliance."

The GGA meeting was attended by more than 200 high-level public, intergovernmental, non-governmental and senior private sector representatives committed to scaling up geothermal energy deployment worldwide.

Mr. Carlo Pignoloni, Head of Renewable Energies Italy, Iberia, rest of Europe and North Africa at ENEL, said: “Geothermal power can play a significant role in promoting a sustainable and clean development globally. Stable regulatory frameworks, long-term licenses and bankable PPAs, in addition to transparent and public tenders, are key to if we are to take full advantage of the vast global geothermal potential.”



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UN Population Division


The Commission on Population and Development decided that the thematic focus of its fifty-first session in April 2018 will be on “Sustainable cities, human mobility and international migration”. The Population Division is organizing an expert group meeting on this topic, to be held in New York from 7 to 8 September 2017 (UN Headquarters, 7 September – CR12 and 8 September – CR1). Direct TV http://webtv.un.org/


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