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Forum of renewable energies in Italy


Submit your abstract by 15th May 2017 and participate to Med Green Forum.


medgreenforum_call_for_abstract_reminder_2017.jpgMediterranean Green Buildings and Renewable Energy Forum 2017.


University of Study of Florence
Architectural Department
Campus Santa Verdiana
Piazza Ghiberti 27


Motos Bus etc ...

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Uk has already studied the possibility to drive through Bus Lane for bikers.





Deputy Prime Minister and motorcyclist Kris Peeters supports the proposal to let motorcyclists use the bus lane to come to a faster flow of traffic

Picture: De Standaard.


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ça croque les Miss ...

miss frznce.jpg 








Photo: https://www.instagram.com/raquelpelissier



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Gagnez 50 euro et plus, 20 bons plans

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