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Pas de "bordel" avec Pdt Macron

Les discuteurs des plateaux en sont convaincu, l'affirmation de l'autorité du Pdt Macron face aux Officiers français était une option risquée. L'Armée est la sécurité de la Nation, la garantie qu'aucune force inappropriée ne prendra le pays. Soumettre les Corps militaires par une remontrance publique est un choix que ne partage pas forcément les réservistes, les engagés et tout ceux, y compris les Gendarmes, qui mettent leur vie en péril pour la préservation des libertés civiles.

Oui les matériels s'usent et se dégradent même si l'on ne les utilisent pas. Les entraînements aéronautiques sont d'autant plus nécessaires que les attentats les plus préjudiciables ont été réalisés par voie aérienne. Réduire le budget ne permet pas d'assurer les moyens nécessaires, et ces forces ont une obligation d'engager des personnels et des équipements sur le terrain.




Article L4111-1

"L'armée de la République est au service de la Nation. Sa mission est de préparer et d'assurer par la force des armes la défense de la patrie et des intérêts supérieurs de la Nation."


Sources : EMA , anciens avions du DA 188 Djibouti.


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Global Geothermal Alliance



Director General of IRENA, Mr. Adnan. Z. Amin, said: “This meeting has, without question, allowed both the policy and industry communities to identify common ground in the pursuit of what is a renewable energy source with tremendous potential.

“If we can identify and implement mechanisms that deliver a greater level of certainty to investors and developers, then we will move beyond meaningful dialogue to decisive action that accelerates geothermal production,” continued Mr. Amin, “contributing significantly to decarbonisation of the global economy, whilst creating jobs and supporting growth around the world.”

"Access to low carbon forms of energy that support economic development while mitigating climate change, is a core priority for the African Union,” said H.E Dr. Amani Abou-Zeid, African Union Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy. “Geothermal energy is emerging as a hidden gem of Africa’s renewable energy resources and we must work together, across nations, to ensure this resource achieves its potential.

“Through partnerships and the Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility, the African Union is currently supporting twenty-six projects in East African countries that will generate more than 1500 MW of power,” continued H.E. Abou-Zeid. “We aim to build on this, supporting sustainable exploration, through the work of this Alliance."

The GGA meeting was attended by more than 200 high-level public, intergovernmental, non-governmental and senior private sector representatives committed to scaling up geothermal energy deployment worldwide.

Mr. Carlo Pignoloni, Head of Renewable Energies Italy, Iberia, rest of Europe and North Africa at ENEL, said: “Geothermal power can play a significant role in promoting a sustainable and clean development globally. Stable regulatory frameworks, long-term licenses and bankable PPAs, in addition to transparent and public tenders, are key to if we are to take full advantage of the vast global geothermal potential.”



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Humour, Artistes :-)

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Publications CICR / Migrants

Missing Migrants and their Families.

The ICRC's Recommendations to Policy-Makers:

This policy paper outlines key recommendations for policy-makers on ways to prevent migrants from going missing and, when they do, how to respond to the problem.


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