Always Ric-QUEST original !
The US economic situation must be a source of anxiety for a Nobel economist.
Paul Krugman Princeton University (2008), NJ, USA
“for his analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity”
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Richard Quest can't find more penny on NYSE floor ... but he still have profitable solutions. Learning and talking business on CNN Headquarter sunny roof. :-)
While NYSE touches the bottom. During his first move on the morning, R.Q. just seen "essential workers of NYC" in the subway. TIME SQUARE 2020 New Year remembering.
Please CNN crew take care of Richard Quest, he stands over the roof of your skyscrapper. I am afraid he "believes he can fly". Now it seems more difficult to climb up the roof with virus.
Almost the best view on Global business news with shinny birds in cage. Even better and more kind during crisis analysis. Julia recognised Colonel Tom Moore's hundreds moves. We are waiting for Richard QUEST's walks on his Manhatan balcony. Might he raise hundred bucks or food tickets?
Link for Donation website. 36 545 028,07 Euro pour NHS UK.
Photos: 50% everipedia and 50% US News REUTERS.
Where Health concerns meets Trading consequences.
Since i could do it i have given a hand to people when military or field relief crew, but as said Dale Carnegie in the training and book:
"we must expect ingratitude."
That all folks.
J.Chatterley moved to CNN Live in august 2018.
All apps available on this page: go.CNN
There are many changes inside news companies. The most interesting program holds the success and better advertising benefits. Following business news has not only a value for investors and capital owner but also to understand how politics, climate, events and conflicts are influencing markets.
Watch out ! "Market can change in the blink of an eye." Julie Verhage (Tech-Finance)
This satellite show has the best schedule for european viewers because it starts around 8 pm (EU clock :-)) It is a kind of live economics lesson about what changes occured during business day, night and even week. A group of young questioners and elder experts focused on companie's performances and profit makers consulting. Not everybody will understand what happens in financial news but same words come again and again in speeches wich help to get the clue of their show.
Talks are mostly immediate conclusions about current trends while long run perspective is not always linked to daily situation. For example, if GDP seems independant from foreign exchange rates you can also consider that exchange rate ponderate the global amount of money one country is dealing with. Then, in order to make it simple for LSE uk babe (lol), from the outside, the US GDP is more powerfull in front of other countries when USD is strong, also it becomes weaker when USD is falling down to 0.80 instead of 1 to 1. That's why a larger view on World Economy helps for understanding.
January 27th: According to the difference of FX rate since 2017 6th December's the american PIB (GDP 2016) value of 18 357 320 000 dollars is now
17 469 062 580 USD. It's a 888 257 419 USD loss.
But 2016 December's rate was 1.07 (not 1.18 as it was 2017 December 6th): then re-estimated PIB (GDP) is virtualy 15 840 590 645 USD wich makes the loss amount:
2 516 729 354 USD compared to 2016's PIB (GDP).
An argument is not only a contradiction as said in Monty Python's sketch (need of cultural reference for Julia so she doesn't get lost in Economy) that is why i argue that exchange rate is a ponderation, not a calculation. Remember i write from french point of view.
Great understanding of mecanisms come from high level education, but not only. I think press actors may have experienced their field of work. As she was a worker in companies this business market presenter is a good exemple of this idea. Starting in reporting event from the field Julia Chatterley was hired at Bloomberg for Business department and talks about Wall Street daily. It is a great oportunity to use her skills and make the market talks a "yuppy" event.
The best of UK is exported at USA NYC.
Her talks are just a fairy presence with noticeable dresses, like a sparkling bubble in the Business.
We met once at EU parlement entrance After the short record explaining journalist role (The grey coat video), i was thinking, well, that reporter will fly all over the world, there not a second to miss from that moment. I did not remember while looking at Bloomberg Market show, but later when i saw the short video of EU entrance. Due to her size i knew she could fit into any screen and be perfect on TV.
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USA "Whistling windshield"
Free US road movie that holds you on screen for a while.
This short film is a tribute to the culture of the American car. This society is based on the free movement of people and activities accessible by vehicle. Due to the distance between homes and shopping centers, personal services or maintenance of the same cars it is necessary to drive. In fact, during this COVID 19 epidemic, the virus test centers were designed for driving, away from city centers, which disadvantaged people who were not transported.
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