Democratic Republic of North Korea
Kim Jong-un, born 8 January 1984 (or 5 July 1984) is the Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), commonly referred to as North Korea. Russia is not happy with what declared westerners about solving korean problem.
North Korea is demonstrating new dimension of power that leaved visitors "astonished"...
외교관은 유럽인을 알고 프랑스어와 영어를 구사합니다. 이 사람은 스위스에서 공부했습니다. 한국어는 개념과 함께 작동하는 것 같습니다. 일본어와 중국어 같은 징후가 있습니다. 언니의 중요한 임무는 국가의 이미지와 정보를 관리하는 것입니다. 나는 한국 음료 모른다. 우리가 평화롭게 살면 평화 나 전쟁을 찾지 않을 것입니다.
About Afghanistan
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"BREXIT" on the table of EU
With Mariano Rajoy, several Presidents have joined the meeting:
and the prime ministers of
BREXIT has become an important topic for european leaders because it will affect their economies.
RDM-ROW: As english people have always said during their stay in european countries, "it is difficult to adapt to foreign countries while they don't try to let you drive on the left, drink tea at 5pm, and eat green peas with mint. They still drive on the right, drink wine and prefer mash potatoes." LOL
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US and China, usual friends
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