2018's World cutest event is UK's
The "Fantastic4" are currently taking care of the new born child. How many mugs and plates for tourists to be sold? Well, that not my business. Since Harry and Williams would be happy to "take home the World Championship trophy" they might be watching at sunday's event carefully. Not sure who has the best team. But anyway that is a pleasure to see Kate and Meghan parading with elegant outfits. Sport is not all in English culture, and recent withdrawal of first level Ministers could be a sign of the time. Who knows? English team to resign in front of sharp and punchy french commando. The Royal baby tree is growing and makes Kate's dream come true: managing Royal familly criquet team at home soon. :-)
Photo credit: meghansmirror, Aaron Chown/PA Wire, Monty Pytons, Criquet rules.
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